Saturday, March 30, 2013

3rd term extra credit

The Medieval World, Renaissance and Reformation, and the Collision have had major advancements that have helped people improve their knowledge. For example in The Medieval World the Europeans used art and architecture to tell the story of Christ’s life, which allowed the not educated to have a larger view on the world. For centuries, the Europeans had the tallest buildings. They were often taller than a 30-story building today. In order to build structure so incredibly advanced the builders had to have strong mathematic skills. Also, the Renaissance and Reformation was when the Gutenberg Printing Press first started. The printing press enabled new ideas to spread faster through the culture. It reduced the risk that materials might be lost, corrupted or destroyed. The process was selective and controlled mostly by the church. The emergence of the “human memory” marked the start of the modern world. The press was the core technology that gave rise to the Age of Enlightenment. Finally, during the Collision navigation improved dramatically even though it took a long time. It was difficult to develop navigation with fixed wind systems because until navigators explored and decoded those winds pathways adventurers could not get home. Navigators would have to sail into the wind, which would push them back in the direction they came form or sail with the wind and never be heard of again. The Europeans discovery of the Atlantic was launched from deep in the Mediterranean, by navigators from Genoa and Majorca. The Portuguese were the first to sail around the world by using their strong navigation skills. The Medieval World, Renaissance and Reformation, and the Collision all had new advancements that changed the way people viewed the world because it gave them a new prospective on life.

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