Thursday, January 24, 2013

Term 2 Extra Credit Elsa Pikulik

This course was very beneficial to me in the way it helped to shape my understanding of presidential politics. In the course, not only did we learn about the electoral college and how the president is elected, we more thoroughly explored the current issues that shaped this years election. Now when I read the news, I am able to understand more of what is going on in politics, even in issues I used to not be concerned with. By taking this course, I have come to understand and have an opinion on issues I used to not know about.
            I thought a very valuable activity in this course was the posters and theses we made about how the presidential power has changed over time. By investigating the beliefs of two different time periods, I could easily see how presidential power has changed over time. Being able to see the change in presidential power is another way the course shaped my understanding of presidential politics.

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